Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Automating Newsletters to Video for Youtube and TikTok

Welcome to The Content Club Podcast, where we blend your distinct personality & A.I. to craft micro content that packs a punch with value! In today's episode, we're answering a question from R.K.

R.K. wants to know, "Do you know of a way to take a newsletter, or maybe an article, and make it into a talking head video that looks and sounds like you? So we can automate newsletters to videos for YouTube and TikTok?"

Let's get into it.

There are several tools out there that can animate your content with a virtual version of you. It's a great way to bring your newsletter to life! While the tech isn't perfect yet, it's pretty dang good and that's actually how we are creating this podcast! Here's a 3 step process for turning your newsletter into an A.I. video.

Step 1. Add your newsletter into ChatGPT and ask your A.i. assistant to write you a script based on the newsletter.

Step 2. Create an AI avatar in HeyGen. Message me with the word Avatar on Instagram for a training on how to best create your A.I. Avatar. My I.G. is The Prepared Performer This will be for the Video Portion of your Avatar.

Step 3. While your A.i. avatar is being generated, create an A.I. version of your voice in ElevenLabs. From there, you'll load your script into eleven labs and then export onto your computer.

Step 4. Then, load the audio file into HeyGen and create your video. It's a fantastic way to repurpose your content across different platforms.

Remember... the human follow-up and full sales system is important if you actually want to turn this into sales. That brings us to the end of this Episode of The Content Club podcast!

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